User info

View the user details

Once you have added your user, their default details will appear on the info page. This includes:-

  • User name

  • Email ID

  • Contact number

  • Date of user creation

Here you will can also get to view the date on which this particular user started their association with saaslogic.

Deactivate - If you want to remove a particular user from saaslogic, you can do so by clicking on the Deactivate button. Now, the user will no longer be able to login to this system anymore.

Confirm your decision to deactivate.

Once you give your confirmation by clicking on ‘Yes’, that particular user will remain deactivated. In case you decide not to deactivate the user and continue to click on ‘No, then the user will remain in the system.

You can view the deactivate or activated confirmation message displayed on the screen for the action performed.

A deactivated user can be easily activated back into the system by clicking on the 'Activate' button.

Every new user that has been onboarded into saaslogic will receive an email with the login credentials that are automatically generated by the application. The user can now login to saaslogic using these new credentials and access the permissions that has been given. If the user has not logged in to the system using these credentials the ‘Send invitation again’ button in the info page of the user will be seen as active and the ‘Force change password’ button will be seen as inactive. Once the user log-in to the system using the provided credentials the ‘Send invitation again’ button becomes inactive and the ‘Force change password’ will become active. These activities will also help the merchant to understand the user’s status regarind the use of the login credentials.

The new user will be able to login to the system using his email ID and its password received in mail. However, in case the new user wants to change his password he/she can do so by clicking on the Force Change Password button.

Now the user will receive an email with a link in their registered email ID requesting to change the password. Once the new password is generated the user can login into the saaslogic system using the new credentials.