Configuration for subscription Pause & Resume

Various configurations have been defined based on which the pause and resume functionality of a subscription functions. The pause and resume configuration will only function against the selected billing frequency. It is here that the merchant decides how to make the pause and resume functionalities available to the customer.

Configurations available for pause options

Not Allowed - Here, the merchant doesnot give any permissions to pause the subscription.

Allowed within current billing cycle - Here, the pause functionality will be allowed only within the selected billing cycle on immediate effect / custom date.

Allow with a custom date (outside the current billing cycle) - Here, the pause functionality will be allowed only outside the current billing cycle on a custom / next billing cycle-basis.

Allow at the end of the current billing cycle - Here, the pause option works only at the end of the current billing cycle.

Configurations available while resuming subscription

While resuming a subscription, merchant can decide which among the following pre-defined actions can be taken against a particular subscription.

  • Process credit

  • Extending subscription period

  • No Credit or No Extension

Process credit – In case of a pre-paid subscription, the customer will receive credit if the pause days satisfy the number days provided in 'Minimum pause days eligible for credit or extend' in the configuration section.

In case of a post-paid subscription, a pro-rated bill will be generated.

No Credit or No Extension – Here, credit will not be generated and the subscription period will not be extended.

Maximum pause days configuration

The 'maximum pause days' configuration will define the maximum number of days for which all the subscriptions within a certain billing frequency can be paused.

Once the pause days crosses this defined days the merchant has the authority to either auto-resume or unsubscribe it.

Customers can pause their subscription based on the configuration provided by the merchant. This configuration can be set as 'Allowed' or 'Not Allowed'.