Configure invoice number

Creating a personalized invoice number

An invoice number is a unique ID that distinguishes an invoice from each other. It is important since it also helps in identifying the invoice to its date, month and even its purpose.

saaslogic offers its associates a whole lot of unique features and customizing or configuring the invoice number is one of them. Using this feature, you can totally revamp your invoice number and give it a fresh and new look and feel.

Curious about how to get started with it?

Let's get it clear for you.

Check the Configure Invoice Number tab to understand the different available features so that you can design an invoice number that reflects your brand.

Here, you get to include the month, date, year and the abbreviated name of your company along with a serial number all in your invoice number.

Here, you can decide how you want the month to be displayed. The following are the available formats:-

  • {{m}} - month of the year in single digit format from 1 to 12

  • {{mm}} - month of the year in double digit format from 01 to 12

  • {{mmm}} - month of the year in abbreviated word format

  • {{d}} - day of the month in single digit format

  • {{dd}} - day of the month in double digit format

  • {{yy}} - last two digits of the corresponding year

  • {{yyyy}} - year in its complete four digit format

Finally, this can be expressed in the Configure Invoice Number section and its Preview too can be viewed.

Another unique feature available here is the Serial Number.

Fixed Length - This option allows you to fix the length of the serial number. This will help you decide the length of your serial number. In case you do not want to use this option you can have a serial number of any length.

Next Serial Number - This option helps you decide the digits to be included in the serial number that you will provide.

Change Effective Date - You can also decide from when you would like this invoice number to be effective by choosing the date in the Change Effective Date section.

Reset Serial Number - This option allows you to decide the time to reset your invoice. This can be done either monthly or yearly. If you choose the yearly option, you get to decide from which month of the year you would like to reset the serial number.

History - Here, you can view the newly configured invoice number along with its effective date. You can also view all the other configured invoice numbers along with their effective dates too.