Setup your account

Helps to streamline billing operations, improve customer satisfaction, and drive growth

Your association with saaslogic commences the moment you activate your account and login to the application using the credentials provided for the purpose. Login to the application and you get to manage your Customers, Subscriptions, recurring billings, Dunning, Invoices and all other aspects that are a part of this account. You can also define the different pricing plans, addons, and discount coupons to charge customers.

These automated processes can save a lot of your time and effort as it reduces manual intervention.

You will also experience seamless integrations with several popular platforms for supporting various activities like accounting, address verifications, payment gateways and a few more.

Here, you can also manage your customer information effectively. You get to track subscriptions, view billing history and handle customer support requests that helps to provide seamless customer experience which inturn improves customer retention.