What's in my saaslogic subscription?

Get to know your subscription

Let’s verify your saaslogic subscription now.

This section will help you to understand your saaslogic subscription better and know all details like price, payment frequency, addons and finally, the different charges of your saaslogic subscription.

Now, let’s navigate into your saaslogic subscription.

Accounts > Subscriptions > Subscribed Product

Here you can view the product you subscribed in the How Shall I Subscribe section along with the + mark tile for creating a new saaslogic subscription.

The newly subscribed plan seen below will be displayed as a new tile with the saaslogic logo, the name of the product and the current status of the product.

The different status of the products created are:-

  • Active - In this status, the tile will not display any label with a text that tells the status of the saaslogic subscription. In this status, the payment against the subscription is done and it is currently being used by the merchant.

  • Payment Due - Here, a bill against this product is already generated but the payment is not yet done. However, in this state the saaslogic subscription has not exceeded the due date for payment, In such a case the subscription can still be used and it will not be cancelled.

  • Past Due - The status will show as Past Due when the payment has lapsed the due date but not the expiry date. Here, you can continue to access all the features of this subscribed saaslogic plan.

  • Expired - If the product is in the Expired status, it means, it has lapsed all the due dates for payment including the grace period. At this stage, all services of this product will be cancelled and you will not be able to access any of the features of this product. Here, the one-time fee that was paid while subscribing to this product will also remain cancelled and you will have to make a fresh payment if you want to purchase this product once again. After the subscription of saaslogic has expired, the product data will be retained for the mentioned number of days while subscribing. Now, the product tile will no more be visible in the subscription page and all the data will also be removed.

Click on this subscribed saaslogic plan tile to get a bird’s eye view of all the different features of this product. Here, you can view the following tabs:-

Plan Details, Addons, Orders, Additional Info, Usage, Payment Info.

These tabs contains different details of this plan pertaining to these sections.

Let's examine each of them in detail.